Accurate temperature and humidity homogeneity and control through the vertical air circulation system. Temperature...
The PSCs have a small footprint and due to the unique air circulation system, the total shelf area can be used to...
Our quality management systems complies with ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001 standards. In addition, we are Sedex...
For maximum energy savings, the control systems have been programmed with a sol-called 'neutral zone'.
This is...
The PSCs have a low noise level ≤ 44 dB(A).
At the PSC, an inner door is not necessary, allowing for easy access.
The available drawers run on telescopically...
The PSC cabinet is self-closing with a door opening of < 90 degrees and effectively sealed by a magnetic door seal.
Highly visual alarm using green and red LED light line on the front of the unit. There is a potential free contact for...